Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Moving Day 2

Oh, if only I had a picture! Moving Day two was really uneventful. The packers were here for just a couple of hours finishing up. C got home mid-day and we relaxed a little then finished packing the boxes for our DITY. We went over to a friend's house for dinner (thanks Becca!) which was wonderful to not have to cook. Ok, so here is where the excitement starts. We get home and the dogs are excited as usual. We mozy into the house and begin to get settled and as I'm in the back bedroom I hear C yell, "WHAT THE...!!!!!!!"

Our older dog, Max, chewed his way into a packed box with food in it. He pulled our C's protein powder but couldn't get it open (in the past he has.) He then pulled one of my nice plastic containers with Cocoa powder (for baking) in it. You know the nice organized, sealed, plastic containers you can get in a variety of sizes for flour, sugar, pasta etc? It was taped shut, for the move, yet he manages to chew apart the plastic to where it looks like shattered glass all over the floor and ate ALL of the Cocoa powder while of course managing to spread it nicely the area rug too.


The average dog owner would probably be freaking out, calling the vet and worrying about the chocolate and/or plastic consumed by their dog however if you know Max, you know this is unfortunately typical behavior but taken to a whole new level. As of this morning Max is perfectly fine. I can't say the same for my container and area rug. If he keeps this up I may have to start a blog about his pantry break ins. Needless to say, we are investing in some baby gates for our dogs once we get to our new house in NY.

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